1. Awareness
1.1. Was ist Awareness?
- Ressourcen des Awareness Insituts
- Awareness erklärt in Leichter Sprache
- Ressourcen von Awarenetz.org
- Awareness Konzept des A-Team Freiburg und Material des A-Teams
- Awareness Basel: Safer / Braver Spaces
- Leitfaden zur Erstellung eines Awareness-Konzepts von FSTVL-Konferenz
- Reflektionstext von Awareness Basel „Instrumentalisierung von Awareness-Konzepten für eine persönliche Agenda“
1.2. Unterstützung und Empowerment betroffener Personen
- LesMigras: Unterstützung geben, Handlungsstrategien im Umgang mit Gewalt und Diskriminierung, https://lesmigras.de/tl_files/lesmigras/Tapesh/LM_Broschuere_Tapesh_UnterstuetzungGeben.pdf
- Supporting a Survivor of Sexual Assault by Ubuntu & Men Against Rape Culture, https://www.transformativejustice.eu/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/survivor-support.pdf
- Support Zine, by Cindy Crabb, https://www.transformativejustice.eu/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/ZINE-Support1.pdf
- Trans und genderqueere betroffene Personen unterstützen Texte und Werkzeuge von FORGE
- “It Takes a Village People! Advocacy, Friends and Family & LGBT Survivors of Abuse” by Connie Burk, Selma Al-Aswad Dillsi, Meg Crager; Northwest Network of Bi, Trans, Lesbian & Gay Survivors of Abuse, https://static1.squarespace.com/static/566c7f0c2399a3bdabb57553/t/566c9be29cadb6bf7efc8e1e/1449958370563/It-Takes-A-Village-People-Web-Version.pdf
- “Supporting Survivors or Victims: How Can We Help?” from Creative Interventions Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Stop Interpersonal Violence by Creative Interventions, http://www.creative-interventions.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Section-4E_FINAL.pdfZine: Navina Nicke „Aufbruch. Informationen für Betroffene von sexualisierter Gewalt“ http://unterstuetzerinneninfo.blogsport.de/images/Aufbruch2018.pdf [de]
- Zine: Navia Nicke „Wegbegleitung. Informationen zur Unterstützung von Betroffenen von sexualisierter Gewalt“ http://unterstuetzerinneninfo.blogsport.de/images/Wegbegleitung2018.pdf [de]
- Zine: Support by Cindy Crabb http://www.phillyspissed.net/sites/default/files/ZINE%20Support.pdf [en], Apoyo [es]
- “Community Accountability for Survivors of Sexual Violence Toolkit” by Chez Rumpf & Jane Hereth, Shifting From Carceral to Transformative Justice Feminisms Conference, https://carceralfeminism.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/cassv-reading-group-toolkit_shifting-from-carceral-to-tj-feminisms_final.pdf
1.3. Arbeit mit gewaltausübenden Person
- Ressourcenliste des ignite! Kollektivs: Informationen für gewaltausübende Personen: https://ignite.blackblogs.org/infos-fuer-gewaltausuebendep/
- “what to do when someone tells you / that you violated their boundaries, made them feel uncomfortable, or committed assault” – one page pamphlet, http://www.phillyspissed.net/node/36
- letter to an unintentional perpetrator, https://www.transformativejustice.eu/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/letter-to-an-unintentional-perpetrator.doc
- “Taking the First Step: Suggestions for People Called Out for Abusive Behavior” by Wispy Cockles, https://www.transformativejustice.eu/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/2009.05-wispy-cockles-first-step.indd_.pdf
- “Tips for Seeking a Therapist [for People Who Have Done Sexual Harm]” from Creative Interventions Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Stop Interpersonal Violence by Creative Interventions, http://www.creative-interventions.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Section-5_FINAL.pdf#page=106
- “Helping Others Get Help” excerpts from Men’s Work by Paul Kivel (German translation here), https://www.transformativejustice.eu/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Helping-Others-Get-Help.doc
- “Ways Perpetrators Avoid Accountability” section from “Community Accountability within the People of Color Progressive Movement” by INCITE!, https://www.transformativejustice.eu/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Ways-Perpetrators-Avoid-Accountability.pdf
- Articles from Tod Augusta-Scott, founder of Bridges Institute (http://www.bridgesinstitute.org/) in Canada (domestic violence institute)
- As If They Were Human: A Different Take on Perpetrator Accountability, https://www.transformativejustice.eu/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/augusta-scott-comp-zine-imposed.pdf
- Letters From Prison: Re-authoring Identity With Men Who Have Perpetrated Sexual Violence, https://www.transformativejustice.eu/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Letters-From-Prison.pdf
- Conversations with Men About Women’s Violence: Ending Men’s Violence by Challenging Gender Essentialism, https://www.transformativejustice.eu/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Conversations-with-Men-About-Womens-Violence.pdf
1.4. Community Arbeit
- Zine: Accounting for ourselves, Breaking the Impasse Around Assault and Abuse in Anarchist Scenes, https://archive.org/details/AccountingForOurselves
- Buch: We will not cancel us: And Other Dreams of Transformative Justice, adrienne maree brown
- Videos zu Accountability & Transformative Justice des Barnard Center for Research on Women: https://bcrw.barnard.edu/building-accountable-communities/
- Building Accountable Communities Video Serie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-_BOFz5TXo [englisch mit dt. Untertiteln einstellbar]
- Dialogue between Mai’a Williams & Melanie Brazzell “Community Accountability: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly”, https://www.youtube.com/embed/9aJLUA0iYFE?feature=oembed
- “Building Accountable Communities” Video Series from Barnard Center for Research on Women with Kiyomi Fujikawa & Shannon Perez-Darby, http://bcrw.barnard.edu/building-accountable-communities/
- A Stand Up Start Up zine from Philly Stands Up – for people forming a transformative justice group, https://www.transformativejustice.eu/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/A-Stand-Up-Start-Up.pdf
- “Thoughts about Community Support Around Intimate Violence” zine (German translation here: “Transformative Hilfe” zine, https://www.transformativejustice.eu/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/TransformativeHilfe.pdf) – plan for accountability within a group of friends or a scene, https://www.transformativejustice.eu/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/intviolzine-consecutive.pdf
- “The Harm Free Zone: General Framework” by Harm Free Zones – community accountability in a neighborhood for various kinds of interpersonal harms, http://criticalresistance.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/HFZ-NY.pdf
- “Communities Engaged in Resisting Violence” by Ann Russo and Melissa Spatz from Women and Girls Collective Action Network (Chicago) – overview of Chicago-based work on community accountability, https://www.transformativejustice.eu/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/communities_engaged.pdf
- “Our Accountability Process Curriculum” by Support New York, https://supportny.org/transformative-justice/curriculum/
2. Konsens
- Poster: defma Unterstützer_inenngruppe „Das Konsensprinzip, Nein heißt Nein“ http://defma.blogsport.de/images/dt_v2_2_p.pdf
- Zine: Konsens lernen [de], konsenslernen.noblogs.org/
- Video: Consens explained with a cup of tea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKn96LdbRl0 [englisch mit dt. Untertiteln einstellbar]
- Zine: Learning good consent [en], Konsens lernen [de]Konsens Lernen
- Zine: Wer A sagt, muss nicht B sagen: http://asexyqueer.blogsport.de/zine/ [de]
- Zine Collection on Accountability and Consent by Sproutdistro: https://www.sproutdistro.com/catalog/zines/accountability-consent/
3. Feminismus, (cis-) Sexismus, Homo- und Transfeindlichkeit und zwischenmenschliche Gewalt
- Zine: Navina Nicke (2013): Kompass. Gegen sexualisierte Gewalt – für einen besseren Alltag [de], http://unterstuetzerinneninfo.blogsport.de/images/KompassonlineeinfacheDruckversion.pdf
- Zine: LesMigras: Grenzen setzen! Ein Arbeitsbuch, https://lesmigras.de/tl_files/lesmigras/Texte/LesMigraS_Grenzen_Setzen_online.pdf
- Poster: defma Unterstützer_inenngruppe „Das Konsensprinzip, Nein heißt Nein“ http://defma.blogsport.de/images/dt_v2_2_p.pdf [de] „Consent, No means No“ http://defma.blogsport.de/images/en_v2_3_p.pdf [en] and more languages here: http://defma.blogsport.de/material/
- Jennifer Patterson (Ed., 2016): „Queering Sexual Violence. Radical Vioces from Within the Anti-Violence Movement“, https://queeringsexualviolence.com/ (en)
- Carmen Maria Machado (2021): „Das Archiv der Träume“ (de), „In the Dreamhouse“ (en)
- Definitionsmacht – eine feministische Kritik: https://www.mixcloud.com/evibes/definitionsmacht-eine-feministische-kritik-vortrag-und-diskussion-in-k%C3%B6ln/
- diverse gute Vorträge, z.B. Rape Culture und solidarische Parteilichkeit: https://gegengewalt.bandcamp.com/album/vortrag-rape-culture-und-solidarische-parteilichkeit
- Materialsammlungen des ignite! Kollektivs zu Feminismus und Gender: https://ignite.blackblogs.org/feminismus-gender-material/
- Literature list „Shifting from carceral to Transformative Justice feminism“ https://carceralfeminism.wordpress.com/suggestedreading/ [en]
- Audion Zine: „Shifting from carceral to Transformative Justice feminism“ https://soundcloud.com/nia_audio/sets/shifting-from-carceral-to [en]
- “My Body, My Limits, My Pleasure, My Choice” zine by generationFIVE, http://www.phillyspissed.net/sites/default/files/my%20body%20my%20pleasure%20my%20choice.pdf
- Close to Home : Developing Innovative, Community-based Responses to Anti-LGBT Violence from the LGBT Program of the American Friends Service Committee – focus on hate, state, and intimate violence against queer people, http://www.phillyspissed.net/node/27
- Book: Turn This World Inside Out: The Emergence of Nurturance Culture (Nora Samaran) [en]
- Zine Mutual Aid, Trauma & Resiliency des Jane Addams Collective: https://janeaddamscollective.files.wordpress.com/2018/08/mutualaidtraumaresiliency.pdf
- Resources for people who experience the world in ways that are often diagnosed as mental illness from the Firweed Collective formerly known as Icarus Project, https://fireweedcollective.org/fireweed-publications/
- Buch: Stacy K. Haines: The Politics of Trauma [en]
- Zine: Dismantling the boys club: https://infotisch.noblogs.org/files/2018/11/Dismantling.pdf [de] https://www.sproutdistro.com/catalog/zines/anti-oppression/dismantling-boys-club/ [en]
- Zine: Chris Crass: Wieso soll ich sexistisch sein? Ich bin Anarchist!
- Beginners guide to responsible sexuality (for men), https://www.transformativejustice.eu/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/beginners-guide-to-responsible-sexuality.pdf
- Ressourcensammlung von kritmaen zu Männlichkeit und Feminismus: https://kritmaen.noblogs.org/leseecke/
- Pop Culture Detective: The Complicity of Geek Masculinity on the Big Bang Theory – Hegemoniale Männlichkeit und Hypermaskulinität erklärt am Beispiel der Serie „The Big Bang Theorie“ (Video, Englisch, dt. Untertitel möglich, 2017), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L7NRONADJ4
- Der Profeministische Männerrundbrief – Verständigungsorgan und Diskussionsmedium der autonomen Männergruppen in der BRD (1993 bis 2002), http://maennerrundbrief.blogsport.de/downloads/
- Pop Culture Detective: Stalking for Love – zur romantisch-verklärenden Darstellung von übergriffigem Verhalten von Männern gegenüber Frauen in Spielfilmen (Video, OT Englisch, dt. Untertitel möglich, 2018), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ1MPc5HG_I
- “Challenging Men, Changing Communities: Reflections on Male Supremacy and Transformative Justice” by Gaurav Jashnani, RJ Maccani, and Alan Greig of Challenging Male Supremacy, https://www.transformativejustice.eu/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Challenging-Men-Changing-Communities.pdf
7. Rassismus
- Text „Race and Community Accountability“ von Qui Dorian Alexander (2013): https://www.thefeministwire.com/2013/04/race-and-community-accountability/
- Artikel: „Ready to Ditch White Feminism? 6 Black Feminist Concepts You Need to Know“ bei everydayfeminism.com siehe dort auch weiterführende Artikel, https://everydayfeminism.com/2017/01/ready-ditch-white-feminism/ [en]
- Buch: „exit RACISM – rassismuskritisch denken lernen“ von Tupoka Ogette, https://exitracism.de [de]
- Artikel: „Profiling und Rassismus im Kontext Sexarbeit“ von S. Dankwa und C. Ammann, https://awarenetz.ch/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Profiling_und_Rassismus_im_Kontext_Sexarbeit.pdf [de]
- CrimethInc: Between Rape & Racism. Deconstructing rhetoric about the “migrant crisis”, https://crimethinc.com [en]
- Kimberlé Crenshaw: Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory, and Antiracist Politics [en]
- Joint Statement from INCITE! Feminists of Color Against Violence and Critical Resistance on Gender Violence and the Prison-Industrial-Complex, www.incite-national.org, www.criticalresistance.org [en]
- Ayim, May; Oguntoye; Katharina & Schultz, Dagmar (Hrsg., 2016): Farbe bekennen. Afro-deutsche Frauen auf den Spuren ihrer Geschichte, Berlin: Orlanda Verlag. [de]
- Fatima El-Tayeb und Vanessa Eileen Thompson: Alltagsrassismus, staatliche Gewalt und koloniale Tradition. Ein Gespräch über Racial Profiling und intersektionale Widerstände in Europa, [de] https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783839441459-021/html
- Artikel: „Die Bedeutung von Klasse“ von bell hooks, https://awarenetz.ch/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Bell_hooks_Bedeutung_Klasse_Vorwort_Einleitung_2020-compressed.pdf [de]
- Literaturempfehlungen von Glokal e.V.: https://www.glokal.org/literaturempfehlungen/ [de]
8. Antisemitismus
- Artikel: „ Understanding antisemitism: an offering to our movement“ von A Resource from Jews For Racial & Economic Justice
https://archive.org/details/jfrej-understanding-antisemitism - Buch: von : Gojnormativität: Warum wir anders über Antisemitismus sprechen müssen
- Infolora (30. November 2018): Vielfältige Perspektiven jüdischen Lebens [de]
- Workshops des Kollektivs radikal_jüdisch, @radikal_juedisch
- Listen: „Checkliste: Christliche Privilegien“ und „Tägliche Auswirkungen von weißen Privilegen“ , https://awarenetz.ch/material/ [de, en]
- Maisha Z. Johnson: Don’t Believe in Christian Privilege? These 15 Examples Will Leave No Doubt, https://everydayfeminism.com
9. Ableismus
- Buch und Hörbuch: Luisa Laudace: Behindert und Stolz
- Buch und Hörbuch: Luisa Laudace und Alina Buschmann (Hg.): Angry Cripples
- Website: Disability Justice, https://www.sinsinvalid.org
- Buch: Ching-In Chen (Editor); Jai Dulani (Editor); Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha (Editor): The revolution starts at home. Confronting partner abuse in activist communities
- Kampagne Ableismus tötet
- AK mob Broschüre „Barrierefrei veranstalten“
10. Klassismus
- Clara Rosa Blog [de]
- bell hooks: Die Bedeutung von Klasse [de], Where we stand, class matters [en]
- Buch von Francis Seeck (Hg.): Solidarisch gegen Klassismus – organisieren, intervenieren, umverteilen
11. Selbstorganisierung betroffener Personen
- Podcast aus Betroffenenperspektiven zum Umgang mit sexualisierter Gewalt/Vergewaltigung: zärtlich und zornig https://sphere-radio.net/episoden/sags-uns-zaertlich-und-zornig-betroffenenperspektiven-mit-sexualisierter-gewalt-vergewaltigung/
- 4 Guides for Transgender & Non-binary Survivors of Sexual Abuse or Assault by FORGE, https://forge-forward.org/anti-violence/for-survivors/guides-for-survivors/
- Not your Opfer. Der Podcast über sexualisierte Gewalt. https://www.notyouropfer.de/
- Ansichtssache – ein politischer Blog über sexualisierte Gewalt aus Betroffenenperspektive: http://ansichtssache.blogsport.eu/
- “#SurvivedandPunished: Survivor Defense as Abolitionist Praxis” Toolkit
- from Survived & Punished and Love & Protect, https://survivedandpunished.org/defense-campaign-toolkit/
- “Secret Survivors: Using Theatre to Break the Silence” Project by Ping Chong + Company, http://www.pingchong.org/undesirable-elements/production-archive/secret-survivors/